Taking Down the Succah

by Myra Outwater (of blessed memory, written some time during the 1980s)

For a while we have something special in our house. We feel a closeness and a feeling of unity with the ancient Israelites and Jews of all the years. We feel content with God’s blessings and with the knowledge that we have the freedom to worship as we want. Then the holiday is over and it is time to tear it down. Yet I always procrastinate. This year I kept it up for two more weeks and reluctantly decided tomorrow would be the day. Then I got a reprieve, as my husband invited someone over to see it – an older Jewish couple, who were so touched to see a succah today. They were very moved to see us, the younger generation, recreating something from their past in this very modern present.

Now I feel I have again seen the cycle of life and it is time now to tear the succah down for this year. I think of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (which we read during the Sabbath of Succot):

There is a time to build and a time to tear down that which was built and there is nothing new under the sun. Eventually, all that was ever true before will be true and have meaning again. For all those who think they can find a new meaning to life. They are wrong. It’s all there.

My succah is down now and there are only boards lying in the garage. The magic is gone. All the beauty was in the succah and not in the boards. The word dismemberment comes to my mind again and think of the slogan of the Jewish Federation this year. We are one. We are stronger and more meaningful as we work together then as individuals. Just as we come together in times of panic and threat, the sacred space of the succah provides us with a common sanctuary.

Frank Gehry, a Carp, and Your Bubbie Walk into a Shabbat Dinner: The History of Gefilte Fish

If you’ve ever sat down for a Sabbath or Rosh Hashanah dinner with your family, you’ve probably seen it: a plate filled with gefilte fish. Maybe you arrived early and found a live carp swimming in the bathtub, blissfully unaware of its Sabbath fate. Gefilte literally means stuffed in Yiddish, making its name “stuffed fish.” Gefilte fish remains a classic, but why is it so ubiquitous? Interestingly, gefilte fish has holy roots, according to Chabad.org and The Gefilte Fish Chronicles: Companion Cookbook compiled by Iris Burnett.

Chabad.org points out that in the Torah’s depiction of the creation of the world, the word “blessing” is used three times, referring, in order, to the creation of fish, man, and Shabbat. Because it is a fish eaten by man on Shabbat, Gefilte fish is actually a triple blessing in disguise! Additionally, Chabad.org explains that each of the Hebrew letters has an assigned numerical value, and the letters in the Hebrew word for fish (dag) add up to seven. Therefore, it is fitting to eat fish on the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath. Finally, there is a tradition that when the messiah comes, the main dish at the great celebratory feast will be the Leviathan, or the primordial giant fish referred to briefly in the Bible. Sabbath fish, while not as gargantuan as this mythological beast, remind us of the possibility of future redemption.

But what makes gefilte fish different from all other fish? “The Gefilte Fish Chronicles” has some answers for us here: it’s all in the bones (or the lack thereof!). According to Jewish law, one cannot separate the edible parts of a fish from the indelible parts on the Sabbath, meaning that the carp had its bones removed on Friday. Before refrigeration was available, chopping the fish, adding onions or other vegetables, and then cooking the fish ensured that it did not go bad by Saturday. And so the gefilte fish was born.

gehry_sculture_fishWhile many Jews opt for premade or canned gefilte fish, the enduring legacy of the carp in the bathtub lives on. Renowned architect Frank Gehry, born Frank Goldberg, known internationally for his works, especially his fish inspired designs (pictured here), gleaned inspiration from childhood adventures to the fish market with his grandmother. In an interview, Gehry described the impact of these childhood gefilte memories, “In Toronto, when I was very young, my grandmother and I used to go to Kensington, a Jewish market, on Thursday morning. She would buy a carp for gefilte fish. She’d put it in the bathtub, fill the bathtub with water, and this big black carp—two or three feet long—would swim around in the bathtub and I would play with it. I would stand up there and watch it turn and twist . . . and then she’d kill it and make gefilte fish and that was always sad and awful and ugly.” However, he later came back to the beauty in the fish. “I was watching the beauty of carp swimming in a pool in Japan and thinking about how elegant and architectural they were. It inspired a beginning of a study of these forms . . . That study took a few years. It then became a language that I guess became Bilbao and a few other projects.” In Gehry’s buildings, we can physically see the history of Jewish cuisine around us.

The process for making prepackaged gefilte fish, a product many Jews opt to use, is also fascinating. According to Rabbi Hayum, the plant manager for Manischewitz, Manischewitz produces 4 million pounds of gefilte fish a year! With 6.5 million Jews in America, that’s 3/5 of a pound of gefilte fish for every American Jew. There are about 4½ pieces of gefilte fish per pound, so that’s almost 19 million pieces of gefilte fish a year! He described the surprisingly complicated process for making gefilte fish to us:

“The fish we buy in 45 pound frozen blocks. We use mainly four types: white fish, carp, pike, and mullet. We grind them a second time, and we add the additional ingredients,” Rabbi Hayum said. “Each recipe has a unique twist.” After all of the recipe-specific ingredients are added, the fish are pumped into a holding tank. From there, a machine called an extruder extracts the fish and makes them into that familiar gefilte fish shape. Once the fish are in this shape, they are taken to a blanching table, where they are cooked for three to four minutes. “They are cooked enough so they can be picked up and not fall apart,” Rabbi Hayum said. After that, the fish are manually packed into jars at the factory.

At the same time, broth is simmered in tanks in preparation to be added to the jars. Once the broth is ready, the fish go to a filler, which fills their jars with broth. Then, jars are loaded into large baskets. What happens to these large baskets is perhaps the biggest surprise of the production process. Over 800 baskets can be loaded into a machine called a retort, which is essentially a giant pressure cooker. There, the fish get fully cooked.

While gefilte fish isn’t as well known as it once was, Rabbi Hayum said that demand has remained fairly steady. “A lot of younger people are becoming more gourmet-ish, and they’re buying the frozen stuff and making their own,” Rabbi Hayum said. However, many still opt for the pre-packaged route.

So, the next time you head to Bubbie’s for Shabbat dinner, take a moment to appreciate those balls of fish, whether freshly made or fresh from the pressure cooker. And always remember to check the bathtub before you take a bath!


Succot Resources

Here is a list of helpful Succot resources:

“Sukkot 101” – http://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/sukkot-101/

“Sukkot: Feast of Booths” – http://www.reformjudaism.org/jewish-holidays/sukkot

 “Sukkot FAQs: Building & Eating in the Sukkah” – https://www.ou.org/holidays/sukkot/sukkot-faqs/

Irving Greenberg, The Jewish Way: Living the Holidays (Touchstone)

Arthur Waskow, Seasons of Our Joy: A Modern Guide to the Jewish Holidays (Beacon Press)

Keep the Candle Burning Bright…

As I reflect on the final night of Hanukkah, the light of the fully lit menorah is etched in my mind. This Hanukkah was especially poignant for me because the first night of the last year’s holiday marked the end of the 30-day mourning period (shloshim in Hebrew) following my mother’s passing (may her memory be a blessing). Each night as we lit the menorah, I thought about my mom and all of the wonderful experiences we shared together.

My mom inspired my love of Judaism and cooking. We always enjoyed preparing for Passover and other Jewish holidays by trying out new and old recipes with my siblings and children. When I first launched Breaking Matzo for Passover in 2015, my mom’s influence could be felt throughout the site. One simple, but sweet, example is that her chocolate matzo mousse cake was one of our most popular recipes and Instagram videos!

Last fall, as my mom’s health deteriorated rapidly, I realized that I wanted to make Breaking Matzo: Hanukkah edition a tribute to her. I incorporated her extensive collection of menorahs and dreidels on our site, as well as her delicious puffed pancake recipe. Working at a frantic pace, we were able to launch Breaking Matzo Hanukkah just two days before she passed away. I was so relieved that my mom was able to see her legacy live on through Breaking Matzo, including her love of Judaism, cooking, and family celebrations.

This fall, I was so excited to launch Breaking Matzo: Succot edition. Succot was the last Jewish holiday that I was able to celebrate with my mom. I remember celebrating with her in our Succah as we had always celebrated when I was a young boy. The holiday of Succot celebrates our two Succahs: Succah of Abundance, when we celebrate our bountiful blessings, and the Succah of the wilderness, when we are vulnerable and open to G-d. We simultaneously celebrate both states of being. I am truly grateful for the bountiful and beautiful community of Breaking Matzo. At the same time, I miss my mom very much and am grateful for all of her inspiration and Jewish teachings.

I believe that tradition is repetitive action with meaning. Each new tradition starts with a first. I feel so blessed to have inherited so many of my mom’s special traditions and to be able to pass them on to my children—her beloved grandchildren. My daughter, Lucy asked me last year if I was still grieving my mom’s death; she added that she felt very sad that her grandmother won’t be there with her as she grows up. I explained to her that while I miss my mom terribly, I am comforted knowing that Nana found peace after suffering so much near the end of her life. I also told my daughter that while I wish my mom could see her and the other grandkids grow and mature, we can keep her memory alive by reflecting on Nana’s insights and traditions, allowing them to help illuminate our life journeys. In so doing, we can keep the beautiful light of her life aglow for many many years to come.

Ordinary to Extraordinary Lives: Elie Wiesel

On July 2, 2016, we were saddened to add another obituary to our list of extraordinary leaders in the Jewish community. The passing of Elie Wiesel sent shockwaves throughout Jewish communities around the world.

Wiesel, a survivor of Buchenwald, was steadfast in his commitment to not only telling the story of the Holocaust, but in pushing his readers and the world at large to remember the intersections and conflicts of hatred, intolerance, and morality that allowed for it to happen. He consistently strove to make “never again” a reality; he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for this work.

“…If we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices,” Wiesel said.

Throughout his career, Wiesel wrote and spoke out against hatred and injustices perpetuated around him. His writings and work were not confined to simply spreading awareness of the Holocaust, but instead spoke to greater messages of peace and tolerance for all who faced persecution. For his work and devotion to peace, Wiesel exemplifies the transformation from ordinary to extraordinary.

You can read his obituary here.

The Annual Seder Dinner Discussion

Our family has a tradition of involving everyone (kids and grownups) in a Passover Dinner Discussion. We find it a wonderful way to help the tradition of Passover connect from ancient history to the modern day.

One week before our Seder, I send everyone the Dinner Discussion topic so people can prepare. At the beginning of the Seder, I review the question and give an overview. Then after everyone has their food at the meal, we go around the table and EVERYONE has a chance to answer the question, one by one. It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to hear what each child has to say, and for the children to hear from the adult. Judaism is wonderful for children to have a voice. From the Four Questions, to the weekly Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah reading, young children are given the chance to speak to their families and community.

In the past, we have had beautiful answers from young children. For example, in response to the question of “Who would fill Elijah’s chair tonight,” young Elizabeth (6) said, “I am named for my grandmother Elizabeth but I have never met her, I would give up my name in order to have the chance to meet her.” Another child responded to the question, “What is your Dayenu? What are you grateful for?,” answering, “I am so grateful that my parents drive me to all of my after-school activities.”

The discussions are meant to be serious, but fun. The most important aspect is thoughtful, respectful listening to anyone whose turn it is to speak.

Sacred Time: Holiday vs. Holy Day

As we eat the last of the matzo, I am extremely grateful to you for becoming part of the Breaking Matzo community.

Launching Breaking Matzo, transforming my own passion project into a reality, was an incredible experience for me.  I am reflecting on why it felt so important for me to share with all of you.

In some way, it goes back to my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah.  She discussed the meaning of Sacred Time (Leviticus 23) in terms of a Holiday versus a Holy Day.

She said, “The way you decide to spend your day determines whether it is a Holiday or a Holy Day.  Notice how close they are. A holiday belongs to us; it is about what we want to do, when we want to do it.  It is about having fun, and we don’t really think about what we are even celebrating.  A Holy Day belongs to God, it is about thinking about God, and reflecting. It is meaningful and personal.  But in the end, any sacred occasion can be a holiday or a holy day.”

Holy Days are meant for Philosophy and Meaning.  Holidays are meant for Food, Family, and Fun.   It is my fervent hope that Breaking Matzo helped your Passover become a Holy Holiday.  Full of Food, Fun, and Philosophy, stimulating for the mind, touching the heart, and uplifting for the soul.

If this really happened, then we achieved our goal of truly making your Passover Magical, Meaningful, and Memorable!

Next year in Jerusalem!

– Andy Goldfarb

Let’s Listen to Our Children Talk About Passover

Let’s listen to our children talk about Passover.

Alex, age 9, discusses Freedom and Slavery. Mayan, age, 10 wrote about Miriam and the power of women in exodus.

What did your children and grandchildren talk about at your Passover Seder?

Miriam: She-ro for the Ages
By: Ma’ayan Zimrah Rosenbaum

In preparation for Pesach this year, I chose to research Miriam and her role in the Exodus story. I believe that Miriam should be honored as a heroine and role model, whose life is celebrated at the Passover Seder and at other times of the year.

There is a midrash (rabbinic legend) that teaches that when Miriam was a young girl, she saved Moses’ life, even before he was conceived. According to this legend, when Pharaoh decreed that all the baby boys were to be thrown into the Nile, Miriam’s father, Amram, decided to divorce her mother, thinking that there was no point in staying married if they couldn’t have boys. Feeling helpless, many other Israelite men followed suit. Miriam bravely went to her father to tell him that he was making a terrible mistake. She went so far as to say that his behavior was worse than Pharaoh: while the Egyptian king ordered the murder of baby boys, Amram’s decision would lead to the death of all future Israelite generations. Miriam’s father listened to his wise daughter and got back together with his wife, as did all the other men who had followed his lead.

Some commentators believe that Miriam, and her mother Yocheved, were actually the midwives Shifrah and Puah who defied Pharaoh’s command to murder the Israelite baby boys. The great French interpreter, Rashi, taught that Yocheved was Shifrah because the Hebrew word “Shifrah” is related to physical wellbeing, and she helped ensure the basic safety of the babies. Miriam was said to be Puah because the word “Puah” is related to the soothing of the newborns through one’s voice. Given that Miriam would have been quite young when she worked as a midwife, it makes sense to me that she would have vocally soothed the babies while her mother tended to their physical needs.

I want to add to the collection of stories about Miriam’s personality and name: If one breaks her name into two parts, it can be read as mar and yam, meaning “bitter” and “sea.” When Miriam experienced bitterness, she responded by standing up for what she believed in and argued stubbornly (or “bitterly”) for it. I think that “sea” or water is part of her name for a few different reasons, including the biblical teachings that she watched over her baby brother as he floated down the Nile and led the people in song and dance at the Sea of Reeds. And, the rabbis taught that she provided water for B’nei Yisrael (The Children of Israel) with water throughout their 40 years in the desert. I also imagine Miriam as a free-spirited person, like the waves in the ocean: sometimes they move in a neat pattern, but at other times they move in unpredictable ways.

In the last 20 years or so, people have been incorporating Miriam into the Seder by placing a special cup of water on the table, just like we do with Elijah’s cup of wine. This newfound tradition was first introduced by a woman named Stephanie Loo from Boston, Massachusetts. She based this ritual on the teaching we just explored about Miriam’s special ability to provide her people with water in the wilderness.

There are different ways to use Miriam’s water cup at the Seder. Some people fill up a full cup of water from a pitcher or jug, while others have each person pour a little bit of water into the special cup. I prefer the second option as it is way for us to give back a tiny fraction of the water Miriam provided for our ancestors.

There are also different times during the Seder when people raise Miriam’s cup. Some do it after reciting the 10 Plagues and before the chanting of Dayenu (“Enough,” a song of praise) so that Miriam accompanies us through our journey from slavery to freedom. Others raise it along with Elijah’s wine cup so that these two prophets are honored together. I prefer the first version because while Elijah represents the future coming of the Messiah, Miriam sustains us in our journey through history.

All this research on Miriam has made me wonder, what other awesome women in the bible deserve recognition for their acts?

Ma’ayan Zimrah Rosenbaum is a fourth-grade student at the Jewish Community Day School in Watertown, MA. She is an aspiring author and a proud Jewish feminist! She is grateful for the help of her parents in editing this piece.


Works Consulted:

Tamara Cohen, “Miriam’s Cup: A Modern Feminist Symbol,” 70 Faces Media, 2003

Dina Coopersmith, “Women in the Bible #6: Miriam”

Sue Levi Elwell, “The Open Door: A Passover Haggaddah,” New York: CCAR Press, 2002

Tamar Meir, “Miriam: Midrash and Aggadah,” Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. 20 March 2009. Jewish Women’s Archive

Ellen Schecter, “The Family Haggadah,” New York: Viking/Penguin, 1999

Phyllis Trible, “Miriam: Bible,” Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. 20 March 2009

Passover Playlist

We love to have music and videos play during our cocktails before our Passover Seder. It is fun to set the mood while we eat my chopper liver and have some pre-Seder Israeli wine.

This playlist includes Broadway, old time classics, and newer a capella songs. I also like the last few songs such as “To Life” from Fiddler on the Roof and the “Hava Nagilah” to celebrate and dance at the conclusion of our Seder.

Make it fun! Celebrate and enjoy a liberating Passover!

Passover Playlist (click here to Play All on YouTube)

Listen on Spotify

Click each title below to link to the individual YouTube videos:

“Tradition” clip from the movie “Fiddler on the Roof” (1971)

“Seder Crew” (2017 Passover Jam) by Six13

“Song of the King (Seven Fat Cows)” from the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”

“Pesach Shop” (2013 passover jam) by Six13

“God Split the Ocean” ( a “Cake by the Ocean Adaptation”) by Six13

“P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R” (a “We R Who We R” Adaptation”) by Six13

“Miriam’s Song” by Debbie Friedman

“Dayenu” by The Maccabeats

“Chad Gadya Passover Songs” by Boys Town Jerusalem

“Mah Nishtanah” by The Maccabeats

“Chozen” (a Passover tribute) by Six13

The Adele/Bieber Passover Mashup

“Uptown Passover” (an “Uptown Funk” for Pesach) by Six13

“A Billy Joel Passover” by Six13

“Hava Nagila” Natyadriazola

“Uptown Passover” (an “Uptown Funk” for Pesach) by Six13

“Hava Nagila Baby Let’s Dance” from XxPacoxX

“Techno Juive – Hava Nagila Remix” from Ryuk YTP

Hava Nagila – Dance Energy (techno version)