Hand stamping canvas bags is a perfect way to celebrate the Jewish New Year during Rosh Hashanah!
Take a trip to your local farm and make sure to pick plenty of apples to dip (with honey) and save a few apples for dipping (in paint)! Any shape or size will do. Follow the steps or watch the video below to learn how.
Canvas Bag
Fabric Paint (yellow, red, green, brown, black)
Paint Brush
Paper Plate
Paper Towel
How To:
Step 1: Cut apple in half lengthwise and let each side dry out on paper towel or cheesecloth for about an hour. Slide a piece of newpaper or cardboard in bag to prevent paint from bleeding to back of bag. Canvas bags can be purchased online or at your local craft store.
Step 2: Paint flat side of apple with fabric paint. Repeat with as many colors as you like.

Step 3: Stamp apple firmly on the bag and create your own fun pattern.

Step 4: Use a thin paintbrush to draw apple stem with brown paint.

Step 5: Dip Thumb into green paint and stamp the ”leaves” with your thumb on the stem.

Step 6: Use pinky finger to make seeds by dipping into brown or black paint and stamping onto bag. Make sure to dry overnight in a sunny spot and you are ready to have a perfect bag to hold your apples just in time for Rosh Hashanah!

Try with Lemons to mimic an etrog!!