Lessons from the Gold and Silver of Slavery and the Journey to Freedom

When you’ve been faced with a difficult experience, were you able to learn something from it?  Did you internalize these lessons and continue to grow afterwards? Or did you miss an opportunity to learn and grow?

In Exodus, the Hebrew slaves were given gold and silver by the Egyptians (Exodus 3:22). After crossing the Sea of Reeds, the Children of Israel (comprised of mixed multitude of Hebrew slaves and some Egyptians), used this gold and silver to build two objects: a Golden Calf (Exodus 32:4) and they also build the Arc of the Covenant (Exodus 25:11).

Some built The Golden Calf, an idol to worship in the instead of God, which greatly angered God. This demonstrated that some of the Children of Israel had lost their way, returning to idol worship, and giving up faith in God.

Others built the Arc of the Covenant. A box beautifully decorated with the gold and silver from Egypt. Inside they placed two sets of tablets containing the Ten Commandments, one set was written by God and broken by Moses while other was written by Moses and intact. They protected the Arc of the Covenant in the Wilderness and later brought it to the Land of Israel where it was placed in Shiloh for 369 years.

The Golden Calf was an object to worship and had no benefits and no lasting significance.  The Arc of the Covenant was a vehicle to enable worship – not the object – but the lessons contained within. The lasting impact of the Arc of the Covenant has been significant  – as we continue to honor the learnings it holds today.

Growth can come from change. When there is a catalyst of change, we all change in some way.  When we experience a period of suffering, there is an opportunity to learn.  After 400 years of slavery, the Children of Israel had an opportunity to learn. In some ways, the “gold” that the some of the Hebrew slaves received from some of the Egyptians was the learning from the slavery. When the Children of Israel went to the Wilderness, some of the Children of Israel used the gold to build the Golden Calf, which was an object to worship. This counteracted the vision of Abraham which was one god – monotheism. Moses was very upset at this development and smashed the set of the 10 commandments. The Children of Israel used the remaining gold to build the Arc of the Covenant which houses the ten commandments tablets and was a vehicle to worship. The Arc of the Covenant was carried to Shiloh where it remained for 369 years.

In summary, after a difficult period, some people learn and some do not. After experiencing change, some people maintain their learning and continue to grow and some do not. After more time, ideally, you continue to change, learn, grow, and sustain the growth.

Here are a few questions for your seder inspired by the biblical use of gold and silver, hopefully they inspire lively and thought-provoking discussions.


  • What is an example of your “gold and silver” (your learnings) from a difficult experience?
  • Did you have an experience of creating a Golden Calf?
  • When have you created an Arc of the Covenant with your learnings?


  • Have you had a difficult experience and learned something valuable?
  • Have you even forgotten your lessons and made the same mistake again?
  • What is an example of a lesson that you learned that you would never forget?