My first job was an unpaid internship working in Washington, D.C. in the House office building for Congressman Beau Boulter from the 13th district of Texas. I worked as a House intern during my high school senior spring semester. I had been accepted to Harvard and was excited to help the congressman change the world. I was full of ideals and energy but was somewhat surprised when my first job assignment was to stuff envelopes for his constituent mailings. Nevertheless, I recalled the advice I heard from Pat Riley the former All Star / legendary coach of the LA Lakers, Miami Heat, and NY Knicks who gave a lecture about “soaring like an eagle and not squatting like a duck”. Pat Riley described his experiences on the road during the NBA season when he stayed at various hotels. Although the ingredients were the same at each hotel — check-in/ check out, bed, towels and soap in the bathroom, and occasional room service. The experience at the hotels that Pat stayed varied widely! Some hotel staff made these basic ingredients so spectacular. And, some hotels made these elements mundane and disappointing. Pat Reilly said that you have the choice to soar like an eagle or squat like a duck.
When I looked at my monumental pile of envelopes to stuff, I recalled Pat Riley’s advice and could immediately feel the wind rushing past my ears as I soared like an eagle. I immediately figured out the most efficient way to stuff envelopes. I also learned to watch C-Span so that I was fully informed of the current debates on the House floor. My co-workers were amazed at how quickly I could stuff envelopes. They were also impressed with my understanding of the topics being debated on the House floor. Due to my energy and commitment to being the best envelope-stuffer on the House office staff, I was soon promoted to other tasks that required a broader set of responsibilities. For me, no task was too small or mundane. I was determined to exhibit my very best with whatever task/assignment given to me. My highlight project of my internship was writing a speech for my congressman which he read from the House floor. My promotion to write words that his lips read on the House floor was only possible because of my initial efforts to lick constituent envelopes with my tongue.