For any easy decorative Mirriam or Elijah glass, use a marker to draw draw on a plastic cup.
Decorating the Miriam and Elijah glasses for your seder table is just that easy! Oil-Based Sharpies and a couple of wine glasses are really all you need to create these iconic glasses for your seder table at Passover. Feel free to use our custom templates or even create your own look. Make sure to have some q-tips and rubbing alcohol handy just in case, to erase any mistakes as you’re decorating. Also, leave the glass to cure for 24-48 hours before their use. The Miriam and Elijah glasses are very easy to make – you might even want to make sure to have extra glasses on hand should you want to customize one for each guest joining your seder.
Young children can delight in creating these on plastic cups! Just follow the same directions with plastic cups instead of glasses.
- Clear Wine Glass (white wine glass preferably)
- Sharpie Oil-Based Markers (fine point) (these will also be used for DIY Seder Plate)
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Q-Tips (handy in removing excess paint)
- Downloadable Images: Miriam & Elijah (also featured at bottom of this post)
- Tape
- Scissors

Before you begin: Wipe down outside of glass with alcohol swab.
Step 1:
Download image here (link) and cut out along dotted lines. Wrap image around inside of cup so that image is facing out. Wipe down outside of glass with alcohol swab.

Step 2:
Trace image with Oil Based Sharpie

Step 3:
Go ahead and paint in your design on outside of glass – be creative! Leave 1” rim around outside glass unpainted. Remove design from inside of glass and slip under base of glass to paint.
Step 4:
Let paint dry 24-48 hours. These beautiful wine glasses should be washed only by hand.

Enjoy your new handmade Miriam and Elijah glasses at your Passover Seder!

STENCILS: (click on the graphics below to view larger)