Each of Us Has a Name
Each of us has a name
given by God
and given by our parents
Each of us has a name
given by our stature and our smile
and given by what we wear
Each of us has a name
given by the mountains
and given by our walls
Each of us has a name
given by the stars
and given by our neighbors
Each of us has a name
given by our sins
and given by our longing
Each of us has a name
given by our enemies
and given by our love
Each of us has a name
given by our celebrations
and given by our work
Each of us has a name
given by the seasons
and given by our blindness
Each of us has a name
given by the sea
and given by
our death.
– Zelda, a Hebrew poet (1914-1984)
A Hebrew name is given to Jewish children at their birth and it is customary to be called upon their Jewish names during significant points in their Jewish life such as their birth and when they are called to the torah for their bar/bat mitzvah. Andy’s daughter Caroline’s Hebrew name, Rivkah Sarah, is after her Grandma Betty and Nanny Sophie. His daughter Lucy’s Hebrew name, Leah Hinda, is after her Grandma Lee and Grandma Helen.
Creating a beautiful work of art using a Hebrew name is a fun way for guests to learn about the meaning of their name. These signs double as a unique take home for your guests as well! You supply the materials and supplies and they create. Or, you can have a local artist live on-site at your event to create in front of your guests. Either way this is a unique and magical way to showcase your guests’ names and birthday (a special occasion) at your significant special occasion!
- Barn Board: We got ours from a nearby barn…any size but at least 12” across and 5” high to make room for Hebrew letters
- Hebrew Stencils
- Milk Paint
- Foam Pouncers
- Stencil Tape

Step1: Choose the Hebrew letters that represent your Hebrew name and
lay them (remember right to left) on your board side by side.
Step 2: Tape down the stencils

Step 3: Dip sponge into paint (or paint inside stencil with paintbrush
for a more polished look)

Step 4: When paint is dry to the touch carefully remove the stencils

Add any embellishments you choose…..birthdate, name and meaning…..