Dream Seeking 5/21/20

Gnome Notepad

As I reflect on this unusual period, I realize that it has provided me with a catalyst for creativity and a space for inspiration.

One of my daily rituals is to have this pad and blue pen always nearby for whenever I have an idea. I have placed these pads in all of my home locations — by my bed, bathroom, kitchen, office, and in my gym.

Whenever I have an idea, I simply write the idea down. I have literally used over 25 pads during this unusual period. There are 50 pages per pad, I usually write 2-3 ideas per page, and therefore over 2,500 ideas!

I find that when I am away from my desk, I often have the biggest ideas. Writing an idea down helps me focus and then make it happen.

I have always had a saying for myself that “my dreams never gather dust” This period has certainly helped bring that belief more into focus.

I encourage you all to dream…by having some space…then to write the dream down…and not to let it gather dust.

Here is a blog I wrote about “why do we delay our dreams?”

