Flowers, candles, candy all of which are commonly used as centerpieces at events ….the possibilities are endless when it comes to centerpieces for your child’s bar/bat mitzvah, but how about creating a centerpiece that’s magical and meaningful?
Why not encourage the values of tikkun olam and giving back by donating your centerpieces to a charity of your choice. This could be part of your child’s mitzvah project making them part of the process and more meaningful to them. There could be a few different charities (each represented in a different centerpiece) or, as we designed here, pick a charity, contact them, and ask if they have a suggested contribution list they can send you and create centerpieces based on their lists which can be donated to them after your event.
We had fun creating a themed centerpiece. Our “Mealtime” themed centerpieces were donated to The Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center. In addition to “Mealtime” how about, “sleepy time”, “playtime” or another fun theme. You can color coordinate the items on each table, or pick a genre such as (games, snacks, article of clothing). Have your child participate (as part of their mitzvah project), get them involved in picking out the items and designing the basket. Then, after the event have them deliver and see how giving can be better than receiving. Not sure where to donate? Do a bit of research – there are plenty of places in need of donations. Help your child find something they feel passionate about and help them lead the way. Maybe there is a local camp in need of new and used sports equipment? Or, does your child have a love for animals and want to help. Whatever you choose will be meaningful and fulfilling for your child and your family?

Supply Donation Suggestion List from Grow Clinic at Boston Medical. Some “MEALTIME” items they have listed you could add to a centerpiece:
- Thermos, straw bottles, 12oz, Foogo (Available at Target)
- 16 and 32oz calibrated plastic bottles with cap
- Baby bottles with nipples Avent, Breast Flow, Dr. Brown’s
- BPA free Sippy cups- non spill – all ages
- BPA free Sippy cups – soft top
- Cups with straws attached
- Spoons for babies, Spoons and forks for toddlers
- Toddler plates, suctioned
- Blenders
- Gerber graduate meals
- Stage 3 and 4 Baby foods
- Flintstones complete chewable vitamins with iron and zinc
- Poly-vi-sol with iron- liquid
- Tri-vi-sol with iron- liquid
- Wipes
- Cereal bars, no nuts
- Cook books for kids (multicultural)
- Measuring spoons, measuring cups, baby feeding bowls
Questions? Please email LaKeisha M. Gandy, Administrative Associate Director, Boston Medical Center, at or call 617-414-5251. Any donation big or small is welcome.